Trendy Skills

Extracting Skills that employers seek in the IT industry

API Refference


Before integrating the Trendy Skills API to your application you have to obtain a unique API key for the domain that it is going to be used with.

Each domain can have only one API key. In case you miss it you can request it back every time you wish.

To generate a new unique API key for your application please click here


All request queries must have this syntax followed by one of the below basic options and combined with one or more of the optional parameters.

The unique API key must be also included in each one of the requests with this syntax &key=API_KEY

The queries must be called by GET method

Return values

Expected return values will be in JSON format. For examples of return values see Examples section

Remote JSONP AJAX calls are supported. You dont have to call a specific callback function name. An example of JSONP request is in the Examples section.


Below are the basic options. They cannot be combined together and their parameters are required.

Query Description Parameters
status Checks and returns the status of the web service None
keywords Search for a keyword name like - string
categories Search for a category name like - string
keywordNoDate Number of occurrencies of defined keywords throughout the whole available date. keyID - array of integers
keywordDate Number of occurencies of defined keywords in a specific date range
keyID - array of integers
dateFrom - string in format YYYY/MM/DD
dateTo - string in format YYYY/MM/DD
categoryNoDate Number of occurrencies of defined categories throughout the whole available date. catID - array of integers
categoryDate Number of occurencies of defined categories in a specific date range
catID - array of integers
dateFrom - string in format YYYY/MM/DD
dateTo - string in format YYYY/MM/DD

Optional Parameters

Below are some optional parameters that can be applied to one or more of the basic options. They can be applied partially or even all together.

Parameter Description Applies to
analyticDate Get analytic occurencies day by day keywordDate
filterAmbiguous Filter the occurencies based on pattern recognition algorithm (experimental)
showAmbiguous If filterAmbiguous is enabled, then choose wheather to show the correct values of the occurencies or only the ambiguous
countries Choose one or more countries to display data for


Below you can see some basic example queries and their expected response from the web service. Note that the JSON output has been "pretified" in order to read better.



                        "success": true,
                        "numValues": "1",
                        "status": "ok"


                "success": true,
                "category": "allKeywords",
                "numValues": 31,
                "keywords": [{
                    "keyID": "915",
                    "keyName": "Java"
                }, {
                    "keyID": "577",
                    "keyName": "Java 3D"
                }, {
                    "keyID": "564",
                    "keyName": "Java Advanced Imaging"
                }, {
                    "keyID": "587",
                    "keyName": "Java API for XML-Based RPC"
                }, {
                    "keyID": "556",
                    "keyName": "Java Authentication and Authorization Service"
                }, {
                    "keyID": "547",
                    "keyName": "Java Collections Framework"
                }, {
                    "keyID": "566",
                    "keyName": "Java Communications API"
                }, {
                    "keyID": "554",
                    "keyName": "Java Cryptography Extension"
                }, {
                    "keyID": "2073",
                    "keyName": "Java Data Objects"
                }, {
                    "keyID": "552",
                    "keyName": "Java Database Connectivity"
                }, {
                    "keyID": "581",
                    "keyName": "Java Mail"
                }, {
                    "keyID": "562",
                    "keyName": "Java Management Extensions"
                }, {
                    "keyID": "571",
                    "keyName": "Java Media Framework"
                }, {
                    "keyID": "583",
                    "keyName": "Java Message Service"
                }, {
                    "keyID": "573",
                    "keyName": "Java Naming and Directory Interface"
                }, {
                    "keyID": "560",
                    "keyName": "Java Native Interface"
                }, {
                    "keyID": "2075",
                    "keyName": "Java Object Oriented Querying"
                }, {
                    "keyID": "579",
                    "keyName": "Java OpenGL"
                }, {
                    "keyID": "2077",
                    "keyName": "Java Persistence API"
                }, {
                    "keyID": "558",
                    "keyName": "Java Secure Socket Extension"
                }, {
                    "keyID": "575",
                    "keyName": "Java Speech API"
                }, {
                    "keyID": "591",
                    "keyName": "Java Telephony API"
                }, {
                    "keyID": "582",
                    "keyName": "Java USB for Windows"
                }, {
                    "keyID": "423",
                    "keyName": "Javac"
                }, {
                    "keyID": "930",
                    "keyName": "JavaFX"
                }, {
                    "keyID": "929",
                    "keyName": "JavaFX Script"
                }, {
                    "keyID": "570",
                    "keyName": "JavaHelp"
                }, {
                    "keyID": "1720",
                    "keyName": "JavaScript"
                }, {
                    "keyID": "1818",
                    "keyName": "JavaServer Faces"
                }, {
                    "keyID": "422",
                    "keyName": "GNU Java"
                }, {
                    "keyID": "920",
                    "keyName": "Join Java"


                    "success": true,
                    "category": "allCategories",
                    "numValues": 1,
                    "categories": [{
                        "catID": "8",
                        "catName": "Languages",
                        "parentID": "0"


                        "success": true,
                        "category": "keywordDate",
                        "numValues": 2,
                        "keywords": [{
                            "date": "2013-02-17",
                            "keyID": "915",
                            "keyName": "Java",
                            "countOccurencies": "83"
                        }, {
                            "date": "2013-02-17",
                            "keyID": "691",
                            "keyName": "C#",
                            "countOccurencies": "67"












Usage Permissions

Creative Commons License
Trendy Skills API is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at

Send us your feedback!

Did you notice something going wrong? Do you have a keyword to suggest?

We would be happy to listen to your feedback and make our data more reliable. Please fill the form below:

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