Author Archives: Trendy Skills

Best paid programming language in 2014

During last year we rolled out a new feature where we extracted the offered salary among with the skills in demand.
Having scanned more than 50,000 advertisements worldwide, from the most visited job websites in each of the 14 countries our search tools operate daily, we have gained some useful information to share – which of course is available through the Job Trends search tool.

In the chart below, you can see that although Java still remains the most in demand programming language for 2014, Python appears to be significantly better paid across the job advertisements scanned (at least according to what each company offers at it’s job description).

Best Paid Programming Languages

Best Paid Programming Languages

What could be the reason? One could say that the rules of demand/offer apply, as the number of software developers with Java knowledge is definitely higher than those with deep and solid knowledge of Python. So, although Python is not so much in demand as is Java, it seems to pay better.

However, we have to point out that the number of job advertisements that actually mention the offered salary is dramatically low compared to the total number of the scanned advertisements. So although it does not offer the most accurate measurement, we believe that it has to be close to reality. What do you think?

New feature: View and search the IT jobs

There is a nice new feature out this week, where you can view all the actual IT jobs and the skills that were extracted out of them.

You have the ability to search by company name, job title, country, city and of course IT skills. The results are up to date and we scan for new jobs quite a few times per day, so in case you are actually looking for a job you will not miss a thing :)

IT Job Search

IT Job Search

If you do not see your favorite job site listed in the results, please send it to us so we can add it to our scraping process.

New feature: Show salary in conjunction with IT trends

We have rolled out a new search feature: show the salary that employers offer for the skills they demand. Below the main statistics report screen you will find the option to show the average salary/year offered for the selected category or keywords.
All salaries are approximately converted to $USD.

The fact that most of advertisments these days do not contain the offered salary constitutes a minor problem, but the volume of scanned data is so big, that we can have a fairly clear view.

The results for this feature will be available for periods after 07/12/2013. You can also access the data directly via the API.

Top Programming Languages of 2013

2013 reaches to its end soon and we will try to analyze the hottest IT trends category, which of course is the software programming languages.

In the charts below we can see the obvious advantage of Java over all other languages

Top Programming Languages

Top Programming Languages Trends 2013

In the time period from the beginning of 2013 until today December 7th, our crawler has scanned about 66,247 job posting advertisements in the IT sector from six countries.

In absolute values Java appeared in 11,849 of them (~18% of total scanned), with C# coming second with 8,143  (~12%) and JavaScript third with 7,403 (~11%).

There is no surprise to these values, anyone could imagine that either of these 3 languages would be in the top 10 demanding programming languages these days. The big surprise here, in our opinion, is the entry of Perl which appeared in about 2,274 job postings (~3%). It is really a very good number if we consider the relatively narrow field of applications comparing to other languages in the list.

As for Java in the chart below we can see in absolute values that it had a slightly increasing trend, but generally it kept in a really high state.

Java Trends 2013

Java Trends 2013